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Kintsugi is the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold — built on the idea that in embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art.



  1. 群雄逐鹿,英雄并起
  2. 功成名就,贪图享乐
  3. 父辈英雄,儿孙狗熊
  4. 汉族胡虏,此消彼长
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It might not seem there’s much to learn about how to work hard. Anyone who’s been to school knows what it entails, even if they chose not to. There are 12 year olds who work amazingly hard. And yet when I ask if I know more about working hard now than when I was in school, the answer is definitely yes.

One thing I know is that if you want to do great things, you’ll have to work very hard. I wasn’t sure of that as a kid. Schoolwork varied in difficulty; one didn’t always have to work super hard to do well. And some of the things famous adults did, they seemed to do almost effortlessly. Was there, perhaps, some way to evade hard work through sheer brilliance? Now I know the answer to that question. There isn’t.

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When it comes to topics about choice, we are always told to follow our passion.

But recently in an interview, Marc Andreessen gave a different view:

Interviewer: If you could give some advice – career advice, or otherwise – to a smart 23-year-old American today, what would it be?

M.A.: Don’t follow your passion. Seriously. Don’t follow your passion. Your passion is likely more dumb and useless than anything else. Your passion should be your hobby, not your work. Do it in your spare time.

Instead, at work, seek to contribute. Find the hottest, most vibrant part of the economy you can and figure out how you can contribute best and most. Make yourself of value to the people around you, to your customers and coworkers, and try to increase that value every day.

It can sometimes feel that all the exciting things have already happened, that the frontier is closed, that we’re at the end of technological history and there’s nothing left to do but maintain what already exists. This is just a failure of imagination. In fact, the opposite is true. We’re surrounding by rotting incumbents that will all need to be replaced by new technologies. Let’s get on it.





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The 9 most effective ways to achieve PhD success

Writing a PhD is physically, intellectually and emotionally daunting. You may spend each day doubting yourself, not sure if you’re making the right choices and unsure whether you’ve got what it takes. During my life, I’ve helped thousands of PhD students like you. I want to share with you the nine most effective ways of achieving PhD success.

They should give you some fresh insight into what it means to be a PhD student and what it takes to achieve PhD success. They will also make you think differently about the way you work. Some you may be familiar with, but others may be new. As with everything, keep an open mind and ask yourself whether a particular tip would be useful in the context of your own research and way of working.

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